Background: Although the physiological and pharmacological effects of various phytochemicals have been identifi ed, they have not been confi rmed by scientifi c evaluation. Materials and Methods: Age-synchronized nematodes (Caenorhabditis elegans) were bred with the herbal extracts mixture (Acanthopanax senticosus Harms, Platycodon grandifl orus, Curcuma longa L., Lagerstroemia speciosa, and Taraxacum), and the effects on development, reproduction, and lipid metabolism were analyzed. Results: Nile red staining revealed that fat levels were reduced in a dose-dependent manner. The herbal extracts mixture affected egg laying, and the number of eggs laid increased because of the 5 mg/ml herbal extract. The herbal extracts disturbed the viability of the nematodes, and the extracts delayed development and reduced body size in a dose-dependent manner. Body movement analysis demonstrated that the high-dose (50 mg/ml) extract activated thrashing movements, while the low-dose extract had no effect. Conclusion: The herbal extracts signifi cantly affected development, reproduction, movement, and lipid metabolism of the nematodes.Cite this article as: Hano H, Sakamoto K. Physiological effects of an herbal extract mixture containing Acanthopanax senticosus Harms on the development, reproduction, and lipid metabolism of Caenorhabditis elegans.