Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM) represents a serious chronic condition affecting a wide number of people. Discussion of the physical issues associated with T1DM pervades the literature, however, there is less discussion of the psychological consequences. Psychopathology, alexithymia and uncertainty can be considered as clearly present in this population, and known to be harmful for the onset, maintenance and worsening of disorders. This study aimed to highlight the presence and directions assumed by these phenomena in subjects suffering from T1DM.
105 subjects (F: 60%), aged between 11 and 17 years old (M: 13.88; SD: 2.16) affected by T1DM were included. To assess the presence of psychopathology, SAFA scales (Depression, Anxiety and Somatic symptoms) were included in the protocol together with TAS-20 and IUS-12, respectively, which evaluate the presence and role of alexithymia and intolerance to uncertainty in the sample.
A concerning presence of anxiety, depression and somatic symptoms was found in the sample. Psychopathology appeared to be consistently represented in the sample, often overcoming pathological indexes. Alexithymia and uncertainty were common, highlighting their role in the light of the main pathology (T1DM). Continuity with current state of the art emerged, underlining the need for interventions.
Active psychopathology together with high rates of alexithymia and intolerance to uncertainty were prevalent in the sample. Adolescent subjects suffering from diabetes demonstrated its impact on psychological functioning while the results underlined some psychological phenomena possibly exacerbating general health status.