Static calculation and preliminary kinetic Monte Carlo simulation studies are undertaken for the nucleation and growth on a model system which follows a Frank-van der Merwe mechanism. In the present case, we consider the deposition of Ag on Au͑100͒ and Au͑111͒ surfaces. The interactions were calculated using the embedded atom model. The kinetics of formation and growth of 2D Ag structures on Au͑100͒ and Au͑111͒ is investigated and the influence of surface steps on this phenomenon is studied. Very different time scales are predicted for Ag diffusion on Au͑100͒ and Au͑111͒, thus rendering very different regimes for the nucleation and growth of the related 2D phases. These observations are drawn from the application of a model free of any adjustable parameter.The electrodeposition of a metal ͑Me͒ onto a foreign solid surface ͑S͒ is one of the most extensively studied subjects in surface electrochemistry. This electrochemical phase formation phenomenon is a key aspect in important technological processes such as electroplating and electrocatalysis. In recent years, the application of in situ local probe microscopy ͑SPM͒ techniques such as scanning tunneling microscopy ͑STM͒ and atomic force microscopy ͑AFM͒ provided a powerful tool to observe the initial stages of these processes on an atomic level. In a number of cases, metal overlayers can be electrodeposited onto a foreign metal substrate at a potential that is less negative than the Nernst equilibrium potential of the 3D metal phase. This so-called underpotential deposition process ͑UPD͒ occurs in the undersaturation or underpotential range, given by convention aswhere E is the actual electrode potential, E 3DMe represents the equilibrium potential of the 3D metal phase, and ⌬E is the underpotential shift.The UPD process has been well characterized for many systems with the SPM techniques and the preceding formation of metal phases of low dimensionality ͑0D, 1D, 2D͒ have been analyzed. [1][2][3][4][5][6] The stability ranges of these iD Me phases ͑i ϭ 0, 1, 2, 3͒ can be formally described by Nernst-type equationswhere a Me zϩ denotes the activity of Me zϩ ions within the electrolyte, a iDMe is the activity of the iD Me phase, which is a constant for a condensed Me phase, and E iDMe 0 represents the corresponding equilibrium potential. Usually, the electrochemical formation of the low dimensional condensed phases occurs under supersaturation conditions, whereas their dissolution takes place under undersaturation conditions. For an iD Me phase, the corresponding overpotential deposition ͑OPD͒ or supersaturation range, is given bywhere iDMe is the overpotential corresponding to the iD Me phase. The formation of these iD Me phases is strongly influenced by surface defects like kinks, vacancies, chemical impurities, monoatomic steps, stacking faults, etc. The crystal surface can also be considered as a 2D crystal imperfection and plays an important role in the UPD phenomena. Thus, the stepwise formation of lowdimensional Me phases on a substrate in the underpotential ...