Given a connected graph G = (N, E) with node weights s ∈ R N + and nonnegative edge lengths, we study the following embedding problem related to an eigenvalue optimization problem over the second smallest eigenvalue of the (scaled) Laplacian of G: Find vi ∈ R |N| , i ∈ N so that distances between adjacent nodes do not exceed prescribed edge lengths, the weighted barycenter of all points is at the origin, and P i∈N si vi 2 is maximized. In the case of a two dimensional optimal solution this corresponds to the equilibrium position of a quickly rotating net consisting of weighted mass points that are linked by massless cables of given lengths. We define the rotational dimension of G to be the minimal dimension k so that for all choices of lengths and weights an optimal solution can be found in R k and show that this is a minor monotone graph parameter. We give forbidden minor characterizations up to rotational dimension 2 and prove that the rotational dimension is always bounded above by the tree-width of G plus one.