We study the problem of embedding domains with * -orderings into skew fields. Assuming that the natural valuation associated to a * -ordered domain satisfies an Ore-type condition, we prove that the domain embeds in an order-preserving way into a * -ordered skew field. We call this the * -ordered version of the Dauns embedding theorem for domains with valuations. A number of concrete examples, where this result can be applied, is given. Moreover, a question of Murray Marshall regarding * -orderable groups is answered in the affirmative.Unlike in the commutative case, not every domain (i.e., an associative unital ring without zero divisors) is embeddable in a skew field. Even if such an embedding exists, it need not be unique or canonical. So one looks for necessary and sufficient conditions to ensure the existence and perhaps additional properties of an embedding. These have been given by P.M. Cohn, see, e.g., [Co2] for a nice exposition. The situation remains the same for orderable domains. There exist orderable domains not embeddable in skew fields and embeddings, if they exist, need not be unique or canonical. For results in this regard we refer to [Co2,CK]. On the other hand, the case of * -orderable domains is still open. It is unknown whether such domains always admit an embedding in a skew field (cf. [Ma1, 1.6.Note (2)] or [Ci, Section 3]). Our aim is to discuss ✩