We work in the smooth category. The following problem was suggested by E. Rees in 2002: describe the precomposition action of self-diffeomorphisms of S p × S q on the set of isotopy classes of embeddingsTheorem. If ψ is an autodiffeomorphism of S p × S q identical on a neighborhood of a × S q for some a ∈ S p and p ≤ q and 2m ≥ 3p + 3q + 4, then g • ψ is isotopic to g.Let N be an oriented (p + q)-manifold and f, g isotopy classes of embeddings N → R m , S p × S q → R m , respectively. As a corollary we obtain that under certain conditions for orientationpreserving embeddings s : S p × D q → N the S p -parametric embedded connected sum f # s g depends only on f, g and the homology class of s| S p ×0 . 1 The set of submanifolds of R m , diffeomorphic to N, up to isotopy, is the quotient of E m (N) by this action. Action of the group Aut + (N) of orientation-preserving autodiffeomorphisms of oriented N is analogously related to the set of oriented submanifolds of R m , orientably diffeomorphic to N.