“…The project grew into a three-pronged effort to develop products, theory, and frameworks (see Abrahamson & Wilensky, 2007, p. 25). Embarking from prior findings (Abrahamson & Wilensky, 2002, 2005a, 2005b, I: (a) built mixed-media materials and activities for learning fundamental probability notions (Abrahamson, 2006b) and evaluated their pedagogical affordances (Abrahamson, 2007;Abrahamson & Cendak, 2006); (b) developed explanatory models for the roles of perceptual reasoning in conceptual learning (Abrahamson, 2009b(Abrahamson, , 2010(Abrahamson, , 2011(Abrahamson, , 2012bAbrahamson, Gutiérrez, & Baddorf, 2012); and (c) created a grounded mathematics design framework (Abrahamson, 2009a) and contributed to reflective discourse on design-based research practice (Abrahamson, 2009c(Abrahamson, , 2012a.…”