There have been many different definitions of queerness: indeterminacy, the other, the becoming yet not quite reaching a conclusion. In some senses, queerness is an animated, yet static and suspended state of metamorphosis in which an unimagined creature never crawls out to be fixed. What would happen if we take this animation and image toward computers? What feats could we accomplish? Computers have been studied in its breadth of militaristic, hierarchical, and binary logics; elements which repel the indeterminate. Nevertheless, in the finer details of computer science exists these queer artefacts; within its communities, its proliferation of software and its ideologies. We examine recent scholarship that has undertaken what it means to queer computer science. From the performativity of Linux, to the algorithms of Facebook's advertisements, to the logics of MySQL we might see and understand computers are might a bit queerer than we conceive.