The BEHAC-nail is a new implant for the treatment of complex humeral fractures, particularly for segmental fractures. It is an elastic intramedullary implant that is inserted retrograde into the distal humerus. The special feature of this nail is its proximal "loop design" which reduces the implant penetration at the proximal fixation site in the subchondral area of the humeral head in comparison to implants with tips such as Rush pins or Hackethal's nails. Thus, the risk of nail migration and perforation of the humeral head is less with the BEHAC-nail than with other nails. Another advantage of the "loop design" is that the humeral head fragment can be fixed adequately. Even short proximal fragments can be stabilized with this design. In contrast a short humeral head fragment cannot be held with implants like the UHN, HVN or Seidel's nail. The BEHAC-nail is a useful implant for segmental fractures of the humerus.