Trianthema portulacastrum L. belongs to the family Aizoaceae. It is an important medicinal halophyte, traditionally used to cure many diseases and disorders. It order to ensure authenticity and maintain the therapeutic efficacy of this plant, evaluation of certain quality control parameters for the standardization of this plant was attempted. To achieve this, physicochemical, phytochemical and pharmacognostic studies of this plant was done. For phytochemical analysis, phenols, flavonoids, cardiac glycosides, tannins, steroids, saponins, triterpenes, coumarins, phlobatanins, etc. were evaluated. For physicochemical analysis, loss on drying, total ash, water soluble, acid insoluble, sulphated, nitrated and carbonated ash were determined. The extractive values in different polar and non-polar solvents were measured. Finally macroscopic, microscopic and powder study of leaf and stem was done. All the standard methods were followed for different estimations. The crude powder of T. portulacastrum was rich in coumarins; while its solvent extracts toluene and ethylacetate were rich in steroids. In physicochemical analysis loss on drying was 9.5%. The ash values ranged from 0.83% to 11.83%. The extractive values of organic solvents ranged from 0.52% to 8.64% and water soluble extractive value was 17.74%. Maximum extractive value was in methanol and water indicating presence of more polar compounds than nonpolar compounds. The macroscopic, microscopic and powder characteristics of leaf and stem was measured. The parameters evaluated in this study will safeguard the authenticity and efficacy of crude drug and also distinguish the drug from its adulterants. The parameters enlisted in this study will be useful and helpful in setting diagnostic indices for identification and preparation of monograph of this plant K e y w o r d s