Recent reviews on thyroid function by E'leischmann ( '47), Goldsmith ( '49), and Lynn and Wachowski ('51) point up the fact that although the thyroid gland in other classes of vertebrates has been the object of extensive research, relatively little has been done on the gland in reptiles. Moreover, no experimental study on its embryonic function has yet been reported. Nevertheless, the normal developmental pattern of the gland has been worked out for several species, among them the lizards Lacerta agilis (de Meuron, 1886; Maurer, 1899; Eggert, '34) and L. uiviparna (Eggert, '34) ; Anguis fragilis (Prenant, 1896) ; S e p s chalcides (Dorello, '48) ; and Xphaerodactylus goniorhyrzchus (Walker, '51) ; the snake, Thamnophis radix (Harrison and Denning, '29) ; the alligator, AZZigator mississippiensis (Hammar, '37) ; and the turtles, Chrysemys @eta picta and C. picta m a r g k a t a (Shaner, '21) and Chelydra serperztina serperztinna (Dimond, ,52).