Permanent damage on the tissue or organ are still a major problem and chalenge to be solved in the world of medicine. Humankind has tried to solve the problem using technologies available in their respective era since long time ago. We can read from various literature about the efforts already made to replace and consequently heal the damaged tissue or organ. Tissue or organ damage caused by war and many other causes became the main reason of the tissue bank's estabilishment in many parts of the earth. Tissue bank strife to provide safe and high quality products to be used as natural biomaterial for damaged tissue reconstruction in patients. Several processes started from procurement, processing, and finally sterilization has been done to guarantee safe and useful products for the patients in need. In line with the recent technological advancement, especially with the introduction of stem cell usage, tissue and organ reconstruction has entered a new era that will bring greater hope for patients. If the previous methods that used biomaterial only employ dead tissue in the reconstruction procedures, tissue engineering will make the combination between stem cell and biomaterial as scaffold possible, thus enabling the living tissue to be used in reconstruction. This method, albeit still in the process of research, is expected to yield better results.