lies over the reptilian brain. The neocortex is responsible for self-conscious awareness, abstract ideas, planning, and accessible thought processes and is the most recently evolved aspect of the human brain. It likely evolved in conjunction with our complex social systems (Gilbert, 1989;MacLean, 1990). Although many motivational systems are concerned with resources, survival, reproduction, or exploration, a compassionate motivation is linked to archetypal influences over our behavior in social situations (Gilbert, 1989(Gilbert, , 2007. These social motivations include the capacity to give and receive care, both to oneself and others.Depue and Morrone-Strupinsky (2005) found two types of positive emotion. One was related to caregiving, affiliation, and social safeness, whereas the other was related to agency and pleasure. Compassion is linked to emotion regulation through good, safe, affiliative experiences. Such attachment experiences are highly related to soothing capacity, persons' mindfulness of their own mind, and their ability to appreciate the motivations of others (Bateman & Fonagy, 2012).