The dispersion effect in an optical network is utilized in several applications. The pattern of the received signal is matched to a pre-prepared data bank. Useful data can be retrieved from this by data matching. It is demonstrated that in a Time-Division-Multiplexing configuration, not only that the data can be retrieved but also the data of the adjacent detectors, i.e., this method can be utilized for optical eavesdropping. Moreover, it is also shown that this method can be utilized as an affordable method to synchronize the data stream and to find the length of the dispersive fiber (or, for a given fiber length, this method can be used to measure the fiber's dispersion coefficient). One of the benefits of this method is that it can operate, while the network is running without deteriorating its performances. The conclusions are based on theoretical and numerical analysis as well as on experimental results. Keywords: dispersion compensation devices, fiber optics communications, fibers, single-mode, dispersion compensation devices
IntroductionDispersion is one of the main obstacles to optical communications. In fact, as optical fiber communication has developed and problems related to attenuation have been addressed by using low attenuation fibers (like the ubiquitous smf 28) and relatively low cost amplifiers (mostly Erbium doped fiber amplifiers (Desurvire et al., 2002)), the main hindrance in the optical communication line is dispersion (Ramachandran, 2010). When a pulse propagates in a dispersive medium, such as an optical fiber, it is deformed. As a consequence, the pulse, which indicates a specific digital bit, exceeds the allotted time slot, and therefore beyond a certain distance, the signal data cannot be recovered.There are numerous means to mitigate the dispersion effects, either by hardware elements, like Dispersion Compensating Fibers (Ramachandran, 2010), or by software, such as DSP methods, which are incorporated in coherent detection (Shieh & Djordjevic, 2010). From this perspective, dispersion is a negative phenomenon which should be fixed. However, dispersion may have some very useful characteristics; for example, dispersion is used to mitigate the influence of nonlinear effects.In this work dispersion addresses several applications.In the first application, dispersion is used to decode data from neighboring bits in a Time-Division Multiplexing (TDM) network (Prat, 2010). TDM is used in many networks, where there is large gap between the fiber's data capacity and the capacity of the network's end elements. For example, in ordinary optical communication line, the fiber can carry more than 1Tb/s, while a single transmitter or receiver can process only a fraction of that rate (usually several 10Gb/s).To be more specific, we are referring to interleaved TDM, in a system with Q interleaved channels transmitted at an aggregate bit rate of QB b/s (see Figure 1 for Q=4). Each receiver has an output bit rate of B b/s and gets similar optical signal as other receivers, but only measures every Q'...