Virulent phages can expose their bacterial hosts to devastating epidemics, in principle leading to complete elimination of their hosts. Although experiments indeed confirm a large reduction of susceptible bacteria, there are no reports of complete extinctions. We here address this phenomenon from the perspective of spatial organization of bacteria and how this can influence the final survival of them. By modelling the transient dynamics of bacteria and phages when they are introduced into an environment with finite resources, we quantify how time delayed lysis, the spatial separation of initial bacterial positions, and the self-protection of bacteria growing in spherical colonies favour bacterial survival. our results suggest that spatial structures on the millimetre and submillimetre scale play an important role in maintaining microbial diversity. open Scientific RepoRtS | (2020) 10:3154 | been shown that a microcolony can grow exponentially in volume for a substantial period of time 8,9 , demonstrating the importance of exponential growth even in a spatially structured environment.With our model, we bridge the gap between the zero-dimensional mass action models and the spatial cellular automata models, and thereby incorporate both spatial structure and exponential growth of bacteria. This allows us to resolve length scales ranging from micrometres to more than centimetres while retaining (some of) the submillimetre behaviour of the cellular automata models. In particular, we are interested in systems where the bacteria form microcolonies, as is seen when bacteria grow in semisolid medium. We approximate the submillimetre structure of the colonies and retain exponential growth by making modifications to the traditional Lotka-Volterra models. It is worth noting that a similar approach of coupling mass-action growth and lattice model was taken in ref. 32 to simulate the phage attack on a biofilm with the spacial resolution of ~ 4 μm. We here consider length scales which are orders of magnitude larger where one lattice site can contain several of microcolonies. This allows for faster and larger-scale simulations while including the effects of colony structure in the phage-bacteria interaction as described below.We partition space into a three-dimensional lattice, which allows for spatial variation in the densities of phage and bacteria (see Fig. 1(a)). Each box in the lattice is well-mixed, meaning that bacterial colonies within each box are identical, i.e. they have the same size and composition as each other, but they are typically different from colonies in other boxes. Due to their small size, phages and nutrients diffuse readily around in the system, while the much larger bacteria remain fixed in space. Consequently, the phages and the nutrients need to propagate before interacting with distant areas, and we include diffusion to couple the dynamics in one box with its neighbouring boxes (see Fig. 1(b))....