Information on how 3D genome topology emerged in animal evolution, how stable it is during development, its role in the evolution of phenotypic novelties and how exactly it affects gene expression is highly debated. So far, data to address these questions are lacking with the exception of a few key model species. Several gene regulatory mechanisms have been proposed, including scenarios where genome topology has little to no impact on gene expression, and vice versa. The ancient and diverse clade of spiralians may provide a crucial testing ground for such mechanisms. Sprialians have followed distinct evolutionary trajectories, with some clades experiencing genome expansions and/or large-scale genome rearrangements, and others undergoing genome contraction, substantially impacting their size and organisation. These changes have been associated with many phenotypic innovations in this clade. In this review, we describe how emerging genome topology data, along with functional tools, allow for testing these scenarios and discuss their predicted outcomes.