Worldwide, empirical evidence indicate that children are at heightened risk for drowning thus many substantial strategies have been made in understanding childhood drowning. Conversely, in Malaysia the data is scarce and drowning received insufficient attention. To understand the nature of the problem, the mechanism of the events and other indicators related to childhood drowning in Malaysia, a considerable research and programmatic work is required and thus appropriate intervention can be developed. As such, this conceptual paper tries to discuss the evaluation of drowning prevention awareness and practise among primary school parents and guardians. The study will collect both quantitative and qualitative data, and intends to use cross sectional survey in determining an overview of the status and current situation of water safety knowledge and preventive strategies available in this country focusing on children. The qualitative data from the study will undergo transcription and reported in theme and sub-themes discussing the assessment of attitude and practice on drowning prevention among parents and guardians of primary school children. In addition, this study aims to make an important contribution in addressing gaps in knowledge of drowning risk and prevention measured associated with children in Malaysia, prior to the development of the health educational drowning prevention guidelines for parents and guardians.