Severe hypoglycemia is a medical emergency that must be treated promptly in order to prevent complications or death in a patient. Patients who have been diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes and treated with insulin have the potential to experience a severe hypoglycemia episode, or low blood sugar. When a patient is experiencing severe hypoglycemia, it is imperative for this patient to receive glucose quickly. However, patients who are experiencing low blood sugar may not be able to manage for themselves, take food or liquid orally or may be unconscious. Glucagon is a medication that reverses low blood sugar. Up until 2018, glucagon had to be reconstituted immediately before injection because of the medication's lack of stability after reconstitution. A medication recently approved for patients 6 years through adult is Dasiglucagon. This form of glucagon comes in a ready-to-administer, pre-filled syringe, making it easier for caretakers and bystanders to administer in an emergency situation due to the readiness of the medication. Purpose: The purpose of the paper is to evaluate literature that pertains to the ease of use and patient safety of dasiglucagon HypoPal autoinjector for the management of severe hypoglycemia.