Abstract. We discuss a scenario that apparent dark matter comes from the induced gravity in the (3+1)-dimensional spacetime, which can be embedded into one higher dimensional flat spacetime. The stress tensor of dark energy and dark matter is identified with the Brown-York stress tensor on the hypersurface, and we find an interesting constraint relation between the dark matter and dark energy density parameter and baryonic density parameter. Our approach may show a new understanding for Verlinde's emergent gravity from higher dimensions. We also comment on some phenomenological implications, including gravitational wave solutions and MOND limit.
A Toy Model for the late UniverseInspired by the emergent gravity models proposed by Verlinde in [1,2], we propose the induced gravity from higher dimensional spacetime which gives rise to the similar mechanism. We will modify the Einstein field equation in 3+1 dimensional spacetime at the cosmological scale,where H 0 is the Hubble constant. G is the newton gravitational constant. c is the speed of light. T µν is the stress tensor for normal matters. Alternatively, we can also put the extra terms on the right hand side, which adds the extra contribution to the stress tensorIt is just the Brown-York stress tensor induced from higher dimensional space time, and we explain it as the apparent dark sectors. We are going to show that stress tensor T µν , which is holographic in nature [4] can provide dark energy and dark matter effects. We consider the ΛCDM Universe, in which the universe contains a positive cosmological constant Λ contribution to the dark energy with component Ω Λ , cold dark matter density parameter Ω D , and Baryon density parameter Ω B . They satisfy Ω D + Ω B + Ω Λ ≃ 1. Based on eq.(1) and constraints from the consistent embedding, we obtain an interesting constraint relation of the uniform dark matter density, We take some parameters from the current ΛCDM universe from observation [3], with a bit priori choice as followingComparing our formula (3) with Verlinde's (4), we obtainWe will show that although our relation hold as well as Verlinde's, there are still some differences in approximation.Constraints From Consistent Embedding-Similar to the formula in (1), let us write down the Einstein equation in d dimensional spacetime aswith µ, ν = 0, 1, ..., (d − 1), andT µν is the stress tensor of normal matters, and T µν is the effective dark sectors of our universe, which can include both of the dark energy and dark matters. The trace of above equation gives the Ricci scalarNow we assume that the geometry with metric g µν can be embedded into one higher dimensional spacetime, as a EPJ Web of Conferences 168, 06006 (2018)