This study aims to develop a model of picture books through literacy ampek kato nan Minangkabau culture to develop character early childhood. This story book development through literacy Minangkabau culture to develop the character of children aged 5-6 years. This type of research is the research and development (Research and Development), with model Brog and Gall. The result of the development of kato nan ampek story book contains local cultural values Minangkabau subjects related charge based on the rules of manners/ethics in communication which is known as Kato nan ampek. Judging from the results of this study by the validation test was obtained on average 92.96%. 77.79% teachers' questionnaire responses, the value of characters that appear in 90% of children. Based on the results of the research it can be concluded that the development of models of kato nan ampek storybook characters to develop early childhood is very valid Keywordspicture books, kato nan ampek, character, early childhood I. INTRODUCTION Minangkabau as one part of the Malay culture, is a region rich in cultural tradition. One of the Minangkabau culture are intimately known as "Kato nan ampek" or "kato nan ampek" means that people are guided by the four words that manurun, Mandaki, Malereang, and Mandhata in everyday behave. These four words are very influential for the Minangkabau, but the times and technology make some people especially the younger generation lacks courtesy, this is caused by lack of knowledge of children about their own culture. Therefore, this study is very important for the younger generation continue to be able to preserve the Minangkabau culture. Building character through Children's Literature by Eliza (2017), was an attempt to create reading material of children can develop early childhood character. In this study will be developed kato nan ampek storybook for children aimed at how storybook kato nan ampek can develop a child's character. In this story book children will learn many concepts, consciously or unconsciously, the child will learn and are influenced by each pages of a book that was read or they read. Research and development being done is to produce a model in the form of picture books through literacy Kato Nan Ampek Minangkabau culture to develop the character of children aged 5-6 years.