We revisit a five dimensional Kaluza-Klein gravity, in presence of a cosmological constant, with a renewed interest in a type IIA string theory. An irreducible space-time curvature scalar K, leading to a non-perturbation theory of emergent quantum gravity, is addressed on a D 4-brane underlying a two form gauge theory. An appropriate ansatz for a two form in the non-linear U (1) gauge theory is explored to obtain a nontrivial geometric torsion in a second order formalism. The quantum geometries, underlying torsion, in a low energy limit is shown to describe an AdS 5-brane black hole in Einstein vacuum. In the limit, we analyze the non-perturbation curvature K on S 1 and argue for a plausible strong-weak coupling duality between a five dimensional non-perturbation curvature theory and the 4D perturbation non-linear gauge theory.