A scenario of an emergent universe is constructed in the background of an inhomogeneous spacetime model which is asymptotically (at spatial infinity) FRW space-time. The cosmic substratum consists of non-interacting two components, namely a) homogeneous and isotropic fluid but dissipative in nature and b) an inhomogeneous and anisotropic barotropic fluid. In non-equilibrium thermodynamic prescription (second order deviations), particle creation mechanism is considered the cause for the dissipative phenomena. It is found that for constant value of the particle creation rate parameter there exists a scenario of emergent universe.There are lot of works to remove the bad feature of standard cosmology i.e. the initial big bang singularity. Usually, the different cosmological scenarios proposed to overcome this non-physical aspect are classified into two groups: i) model for bouncing universes or ii) model of emergent universes. The second alternative is related to singularity free inflationary model in context of classical general relativity and its formulation is the aim of the present work. The scenario of emergent universe has the following features: a) ever existing, b) absence of any time-like singularity and c) almost static behaviour in the infinite past (t → −∞) ( and then evolves into an inflationary stage). Also in the literature, the model of emergent universe is considered as a modern and extended version of the Lemaitre-Eddington universe. The proposal for emergent scenario was started long back in 1967 by Harrison [1]. He obtained a closed model of the universe with radiation which in the asymptotic past is nothing but the state of an Einstein static model. Then after a gap of nearly forty years, Ellis and Maartens [2], Ellis et.al.[3] formulated a model of closed universe with non-interacting two fluid components: a minimally coupled scalar field with a typical self interacting potential and a barotropic fluid having equation of state: p = ωρ (− 1 3 ≤ ω ≤ 1). Although they were not able to give analytic * subhra.maths@presiuniv.ac.in