This table reports the results of the Markowitz-efficient minimum variance portfolios (MVP). MVPs are formed by solving the quadratic programming problem min: w T Ωw subject to w T 1 = 1 and w i ≥ 0 ∀ i, where w is the weight vector consisting of the proportion invested in the bond strategy (w B ) and the proportion invested in the S&P 500 (w E ). Ω is the variance-covariance matrix of the bond strategy (passive or active). The S&P 500 and w i do not allow short sales. Panel A compares the risk-return enhancement of MVPs formed by the passive and active strategies by country and per maturity. Panel B compares the risk-return enhancement of the MVPs formed by the passive and active strategies for the aggregate portfolios. The aggregate portfolios are formed by equally weighting the constituent bond index that forms the portfolio per maturity bucket: Global includes all markets, Euro includes only the European markets (France, Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom [U.K.]), and Top Four includes the United States (U.S.), Japan, Italy, and the United Kingdom as the countries with the highest debt as of Q1 2014. E[r P ] is the expected return of the MVP of w P invested in the passive strategy and w E invested in the S&P 500; σ P is the risk of the MVP for the passive strategy; E[r A ] is the expected return of the MVP of w A invested in our active strategy and w E invested in the S&P 500; σ A is the risk of the MVP formed by the active strategy and the S&P 500; E[r A ] − E[r P ] is computed as the mean differences between the MVPs formed by the active and passive strategies, and σ A − σ P is computed as the change in risk between the MVPs formed by the active and the passive strategies. ***, **, and * indicate significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% levels, respectively.