As the globe continues to grapple and scuffle with new emerging strains of COVID every day, a set of recovered patients continue to show persistent enervating symptoms. Many patients never fully recovered after COVID and had neurological and psychiatric symptoms for weeks or months. The emphasis of our study is on these long haulers, particularly on the two critical organ systems of the body, i.e., the central nervous system and the muscular system. Depending upon the severity of the disease, many signs and symptoms continue to linger, ranging from weeks to months.A total of 29 studies are included in our review after thorough screening, application of inclusion and exclusion criteria, and quality appraisals. The total number of patients included is 6012.We found many long-term effects, but the emphasis of our study continued to remain on the two main organ systems that resulted in prolonged COVID with debilitating symptoms and thus affected the quality of life of these patients. Various factors and underlying pathophysiologic manifestations result in the predominance of these signs and symptoms.Furthermore, the patient's underlying medical conditions and other environmental factors may add to it. More focus is required on the quality of life post-COVID, and this requires a team of specialists. There are still many unanswered questions like which ethnicity is affected more, why females are more prone to the long symptoms, and the effects of various treatments on the long-term signs and symptoms.