Rabies is a fatal zoonotic disease caused by a neurotropic RNA virus part of the family Rhabdoviridae. The disease is characterized by encephalitic inflammation and is responsible for a number of annual fatal deaths of people and animals in the world. Chiropters such as insectivorous, frugivorous and hematophagous bats are the major transmitters, reservoirs, and vectors of the rabies virus. In Colombia, a total of thirty-five cases of human rabies occurred between 2000 -2014. Of the thirty-five cases twenty-two were transmitted by bats. The genetic variant V3 (hematophagous bats) were responsible for 24 human deaths, while the genetic variant V4, carried by insectivorous bats, caused three human deaths. The disease is mainly linked to infected cats that may have hunted infected bats and then transmitted the virus to humans. Diagnosis is usually made by detection of the virus from infected animals and techniques such as RT-PCR, which might be used to promote active surveillance in bat populations. Rabies is a preventable disease and vaccination of pets confers protective immunity, however, vaccination coverage of pets in Colombia is still limited. This review article collects epidemiological data of rabies virus genetic variants associated with chiropters species that have been reported to transmit the virus in the world and emphasizes on rabies cases reported in Colombia during the last decades.
Keywords: Chiroptera, genetic variants, Rhabdoviridae, zoonotic diseases.
ResumenLa rabia es una enfermedad zoonóticas mortal causada por un virus ARN neurotrópico de la familia Rhabdoviridae. La enfermedad se caracteriza por encefalitis y es responsable de múltiples muertes anuales de personas y animales. Quirópteros insectívoros, frugívoros y hematófagos son los principales transmisores, reservorios y vectores del virus. En Colombia, un total de 35 casos de rabia humana fueron reportados entre 2000-2014, veintidós de ellos fueron transmitidos por murciélagos. La variante genéti-ca V3 (murciélagos hematófagos) fue responsable de 24 muertes humanas, mientras que la variante genética V4 (murciélagos insectívoros) causó tres muertes humanas. La enfermedad es transmitida al humano principalmente