One of the most important problems related to DC-DC converters is the phenomena of power switch failures. Therefore, applying soft-switching technique to these kinds of converters without adding extra active switch would improve their reliability. In this study, a new high reliable topology with the facility of the soft-switching operation for three-phase interleaved boost converter is proposed. The proposed structure is implemented by adding three inductors to the conventional structure. Automatically, the used power switches in the suggested topology, are turned on under zero voltage condition. In addition, the diodes are turned off under zero current condition. Using this method, the switching losses of semiconductors are reduced. Moreover, there is no additional active switch in the proposed topology. These two advantages cause the reliability of proposed topology to be significantly improved. The comparison results with other similar topologies are presented. Based on comparison results, it is shown that the reliability of the proposed topology is much better than others. Simulation and experimental results are compared with verifying the desired operation of the proposed structure.