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AbstractThermionic energy conversion in a microminiature format shows potential as a viable, high efficiency, "on-chip" power source. Microminiature thermionic converters (MTC) with inter-electrode spacings on the order of microns are currently being prototype and evaluated at Sandia. The remaining enabling technology is the development of low work function materials and processes that can be integrated into these converters. In this report, we demonstrate a method of incorporating thin film emitters into converters using rf sputtering. We find that the resultant films possess a minimum work function of 1.2 eV. Practical energy conversion is hindered by surface work function non-uniformity. We postulate the source of this heterogeneity to be a result of limited bulk and surface transport of barium. Several methods are proposed for maximu" ing transport, including increased fti porosity and the use of metal terminating layers. We demonstrate a novel method for incorporating fti porosity based on metal interlayer coalescence.