“…You have 10 min for this discussion, and I will return after 10 min.” The same procedure was used to gather follow-up interaction data during the final treatment session that occurred 6 months after treatment initiation for the FFT-CHR group, and by either the therapist or a research assistant during the 6 month reassessment for the EC group. This procedure is similar to family behavioral observation assessment strategies used in studies of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder (e.g., Bellack, Haas, & Tierney, 1996; Blanchard, Sayers, Collins, & Bellack, 2004; Miklowitz, Goldstein, Falloon, & Doane, 1984; Strachan, Leff, Goldstein, Duone, & Burtt, 1986) and of clinically high-risk youth (O’Brien et al, 2009). …”