ACKNOWLEOOEMENTSIt is our pleasure to take this opportunity to thank those people who supported this research project. Our initial thanks go to Marian Ayarza, one or our advisers, who sparked our interest in this area of counseling with cancer patients. We are thanktul for her many hours of support, professional criticism and guidance. Our other adviser, Nancy Korolofr, also provided us with the expertise we needed in creating, developing, and implementing this research project. With the interest and support o:t Dr. Robert Goldman and his wife, Irma Goldman, we were able to put our ideas into action. We appreciate Marilyn Friedenbach, Sue Vail and Joanne Handson, who assisted in supporting our research. We were extremely stimulated and ple$Sed to have met and worked with those patients or Dr. Goldman who agreed to participate in this study.Our final thanks go to each other ~ we have appreciated the support, encouragement, and interest expressed in one another which has stimulated the growth o:t our friendship. ganization. These cells are a part of the total body which is in a constant state of change-growing and dying, repairing injuries, reproducing, adapting to the environment or .failing to adapt. These cancer cells, however, hinder the normal, healthy process of growth. Depending on the individual, the cancer can overt~e any or all parts of the body and eventually: lead to death.Much study has been done on the different types of cancer cells and the broad spectrum of diseases that actually exist within this diagnosis.V~ous predisposing factors and external influences favoring their de~ velo~ent are being examined. A majority ot those studies are centered around the cellular, viral, immunological and environmental £actors considered in the etiology or cancer. More recently, some research has been done on the relationship of one's personality to the onset ot any neoplasm or new growth.More and more people are being aftected by the growth of cancer cells within their bodies and, hence, are concerned with cures as well as prevention of this life-threatening disease. Cancer kills about 365,000Americans every year. This incidence rises about two percent annually. vates a patient to seek counseling, the easier it will be to develop rehabilitation and supportive programs to meet the needs of cancer patients.Hence, sanction for a research project such as this lies in the fact that the question of motivation regarding adjunctive counseling has not been dealt with specifically in the past. * * In this study the pronoun "he" will be used when the authors intend to imply "he/she".
A. INTRODUCTIONThe question as to whether or not an individual's personality is related to the onset of cancer has been discussed for centuries. Due to the dominance of the medical model, the discussion had been tabled by the beginning of the twentieth century. Most of the research that exists today is done on the effectiveness of various therapies used to cure the cancer such as chemotherapy or radiat...