Human emotion recognition with the evaluation of speech signals is an emerging topic in recent decades. Emotion recognition through speech signals is relatively confusing because of the speaking style, voice quality, cultural background of the speaker, environment, etc. Even though numerous signal processing methods and frameworks exists to detect and characterize the speech signal’s emotions, they do not attain the full speech emotion recognition (SER) accuracy and success rate. This paper proposes a novel algorithm, namely the deep ganitrus algorithm (DGA), to perceive the various categories of emotions from the input speech signal for better accuracy. DGA combines independent component analysis with fisher criterion for feature extraction and deep belief network with wake sleep for emotion classification. This algorithm is inspired by the elaeocarpus ganitrus (rudraksha seed), which has 1 to 21 lines. The single line bead is rarest to find, analogously finding a single emotion from the speech signal is also complex. The proposed DGA is experimentally verified on the Berlin database. Finally, the evaluation results were compared with the existing framework, and the test result accomplishes better recognition accuracy when compared with all other current algorithms.