In the world, the vehicular traffic is endlessly expanding all over the place and at the point of intersection can cause terrible traffic congestion. Today, the vast majority of the traffic lights is fixed green light system; therefore, it is resolved without considering the incidence of vehicles emergency. The vehicles of emergency like fire trucks and ambulances are need to reach their destinations at the time. Many people face danger situation when they spent lot of time in traffic. To resolve the above mentioned problem, this paper proposed an optimization technique (Emperor Penguin Optimizer) for urban traffic organisation while limiting the pollution using wireless sensor network. At first, the basic parameters are explained like headway, throughput, density, flow, volume, and waiting time. After that, find the traffic pollutions and calculate the emergency vehicle based on the priority. Lastly, based on the above conditions, the traffic light will be displayed. The proposed work will be evaluated by using MATLAB in terms of latency (32 s), buffer (30 KB/s/vehicle), packet delivery ratio (99%), delay (0.7 s), overhead (20%), packet loss ratio (1%), throughput (99%), and time. Proposed work can also be compared with other recent techniques for the research evaluation.