Percentile growth curves are often used as a clinical indicator to evaluate variations of
children’s growth status. In this study, we propose empirical percentile growth curves
using Z-scores adapted for Japanese Thoroughbred horses, with considerations of the
seasonal compensatory growth that is a typical characteristic of seasonal breeding
animals. We previously developed new growth curve equations for Japanese Thoroughbreds
adjusting for compensatory growth. Individual horses and residual effects were included as
random effects in the growth curve equation model and their variance components were
estimated. Based on the Z-scores of the estimated variance components, empirical
percentile growth curves were constructed. A total of 5,594 and 5,680 body weight and age
measurements of male and female Thoroughbreds, respectively, and 3,770 withers height and
age measurements were used in the analyses. The developed empirical percentile growth
curves using Z-scores are computationally feasible and useful for monitoring individual
growth parameters of body weight and withers height of young Thoroughbred horses,
especially during compensatory growth periods.