By proposing an optimization model for a new automated liquid penetrant inspection (LPI) system in order to increase its productivity, the paper tries to identify the best algorithm to solve this case study. The architecture of the system is dictated by the successive stages of the inspection process and the available conditions in the work shop. As a novelty in the field, the authors developed such a fully automated LPI system for inspecting different parts, which eliminates the need of the visual inspection made by operator, using instead dedicated software solution for processing the digital images of the inspected parts and for giving the pass/fail verdict. In the present case study, the attention was focused on optimizing the new LPI system architecture. Simulations in different working scenarios are run with the purpose to increase productivity by optimizing the critical waiting times within the system and by establishing the best order for inspecting parts belonging to three families subjected to LPI method. Moreover, the results of the simulation are used for programming the system by setting the optimal values of the functional parameters of system's equipment in order to avoid running a large number of tests which are expensive and time consuming.