The asymptotic behaviour of partial wave amplitudes is calculated supposing various Regge models for the total scattering amplitude A(s, t, u). The high energy partial wave behaviour obtained is combined with the validity of partial wave dispersion relations. It is shown that consistency of these assumptions can only be achieved by demanding 1) a definite asymptotic behaviour of the discontinuity of the left hand cut of partial wave amplitudes, 2 ) the validity of partial wave sum rules of similar kind as the well-known finite energy sum rules for All steps of the derivation shall first be demonstated for elastic scattering of identical scalar particles. Then within the helicity formalism the results are generalized for particles with arbitrary spin and different masses. Finally the question is studied whether the sum rules can be employed to determine unknown CDD-pole parameters in an N / D approach for the I = J = 1/2 state in x N scattering. It is shown that the sum rules of highest order are able to do that. the total amplitude.