Precise calculations of the coexistence-curve diameters of a hard-core square-well (HCSW) fluid and the restricted primitive model (RPM) electrolyte exhibit marked deviations from rectilinear behavior. The HCSW diameter displays a |t| 1−α singularity that sets in sharply for |t| ≡ |T −Tc|/Tc 10 −3 ; this compares favorably with extensive data for SF6, also reflected in C2H6, N2, etc. By contrast, the curvature of the RPM diameter varies slowly over a wide range |t| 0.1; this behavior mirrors observations for liquid alkali metals, specifically Rb and Cs. Amplitudes for the leading singular terms can be estimated numerically but their values cannot be taken literally. * Corresponding Author: Several models for fluids, however, have been advanced that violate the law [2,3,4]. These models suggest that the diameters of real fluids should exhibit an entropy-like singularity varying as |t| 1−α near criticality where t ≡ (T − T c )/T c and α ≃ 0.109 is the critical exponent for the specific heat; the slope of the diameter was thus expected to diverge at criticality in the same fashion as the specific heat. The traditionally accepted scaling theory of the critical region, which incorporates mixing between the temperature T and the chemical potential µ in the scaling fields (but does not include the pressure), also generates this entropylike singularity [5,6]. However, the recent discovery of a Yang-Yang anomaly [7,8] in fluid criticality turns out to entail a further singular term in the diameter proportional to |t| 2β , where β ≃ 0.326 is the critical exponent for the order parameter [7,9]. And such a term also arises in other classes of exactly soluble model [7,10]. In fluid criticality, one normally has 2β ≃ 0.65 < 1− α so that the |t| 2β term dominates the |t| 1−α contribution when t → 0−.