Reservoir construction is a worldwide enterprise, resulting in continuous changes in the landscapes of the tropical belt (Fernando & Holčik, 1991;Marmulla, 2001). Because reservoirs are productive biological systems, they are often utilized for fisheries development (Welcomme, 2001). They also are constructed for other diverse purposes such as irrigation, municipal water supply, hydropower generation and flood control. Reservoirs also substantially alter freshwater fluxes on the land surface and impact surface water storage through water management activities. On a global scale, water from reservoirs supplies an estimated 30%-40% of irrigated areas (World Commission on Dams, 2000). Seasonal water-level fluctuations, attributable mainly to water releases for their primary intended purposes (e.g. irrigation; hydroelectricity generation) are the characteristic feature of these lentic ecosystems. The seasonal pulses of water levels carry nutrients from associated rivers and surrounding terrestrial environments, enhancing the trophic status especially of shallow reservoirs (Geraldes & Boavida, 2005;