The principal success of Leg 153 was the recovery of extensive sections of ultramafic and mafic rocks from a slow-spreading mid-ocean ridge. Drilling was undertaken at multiple sites along the western flank of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR), south of the Kane Transform (MARK). The principal objectives of this second in a series of offset drilling legs and subsequent shore-based studies were to investigate the chemical composition and evolution of the lower crust and mantle created at a slow-spreading ridge, the geometry of magmatic and deformation structures preserved in residual peridotite and in lower crustal rocks, and the intensity and diversity of metamorphism attending crustal evolution in this slow-spreading environment.Site 920, located at latitude 23°20.32'N, about 40 km south of the Kane Transform along the western wall of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge median valley, sampled predominantly serpentinized harzburgite, interpreted to represent uplifted and altered suboceanic mantle. Drilling at this site achieved the best penetration and recovery of any drilling efforts to date in massive serpentinized peridotite. Other rock types sampled from this site include serpentinized lherzolite, dunite, clinopyroxenite, and websterite, as well as variably metamorphosed intervals of gabbro, olivine gabbro, oxide mineral-rich gabbro and gabbronorite, and plagioclase-olivine phyric diabase.Despite intense alteration of the primary minerals to serpentine, primary mineralogy and textures are widely preserved in the recovered ultramafic rocks. The dominant texture is coarse grained porphyroclastic with lobate grain boundaries and frequent 120° triple junctions, suggesting efficient grain growth at close to solidus temperature. Most samples also display an anastomosing serpentine foliation that results from the preferred orientation of fine, discontinuous veins of serpentine and iron oxide minerals cutting the background mesh-textured serpentine.Paleomagnetic studies indicate that this anastomosing foliation probably dips moderately to the east, toward the MAR neovolcanic zone. Pyroxenite and gabbroic veins, and gabbroic intervals up to at least a few decimeters thick are ubiquitous in the cored ultramafic rocks, and cover a wide range of compositions from spinel-bearing interstitial melt segregations to altered, oxide mineral-, apatite-, and zircon-bearing gabbro.Sites 921 through 924 are located in outcrops of gabbroic rocks, also along the western wall of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge median valley near its intersection with the Kane Transform. These outcrops occur on the flank of a broad, dome-like uplift, referred to as an inside-corner high or Leg 153 Preliminary Report Page 8 ridge/transform intersection massif. Sites 921, 922, and 923 lie along a north-south-trending ridge axis parallel transect, such that variations in the igneous, metamorphic, and deformational features in the rocks recovered from these sites may reflect along-axis variability in the processes that create and modify lower crustal rocks. Site 924 is offs...