Universities are developing more education initiatives to increase the entrepreneurial mindset of students to enhance the social sustainability and self-employment. Young people should work to increase their managerial and soft skills in order to face the process of innovation and change. This exploratory study identifies some features of the participants in the first edition of the contamination laboratory (CLab) of the University of Salento (Lecce, Italy) whose mission is to develop creativity, soft skills and entrepreneurial mindset. In particular, it aims to investigate the relationship between career insight, social network and career self-management in a sample of University’s students during a training course organized according to the basic principles of Entrepreneurship Education. Data collection is carried out before and after the project. Results highlighted that there are significant differences before and after the course attendance in terms of personal and professional growth. These preliminary results present innovative aspects. From a theoretical point of view, the study laid the groundwork for future research in employability and entrepreneurial skills topics. About the practical implications, the study can provide some suggestions to promote and plan sustainable interventions in order to encourage young entrepreneurship and employability.