All governmental and private organizations are trying to implement the optimal utilization of their resources, whether human or financial resources or raw materials to achieve their goals and objectives. The human resources are of the most important of these resources because an organization can organize and control the exploitation of the rest of the organization's resources appropriately through human resource management. The basis of the progress and development in various fields of life is the organization's ability to explore the elements of the human performance in terms of efficiency and productivity, which leads to developing the overall effectiveness of the organization. Employee's turnover is a much studied phenomenon. However, there is no standard account for why people choose to leave an organization. This is noteworthy because it is typically the occasions where people choose to leave that concern organizations and organizational theorists [1]. Employee turnover refers to the termination of an official and psychological contract between an employee and an organization. There are two major types of employee turnover: involuntary and voluntary [2]. Involuntary turnover is initiated by the organization to terminate the relationship with an employee, whereas voluntary turnover is primarily initiated by the employees themselves [3]. In the academic literature, turnover intention is commonly used as a measure of anticipated workplace turnover. Intent to leave, intent to quit, intention to leave and turnover intention are often used interchangeably. Voluntary turnover incurs significant cost, both in terms of direct costs (replacement, recruitment and selection, temporary staff, management time), and also (and perhaps more significantly) in terms of indirect costs (morale, pressure on remaining staff, costs of learning, product/service quality, organizational memory) and the loss of social capita [4]. The issue of voluntary turnover has been rigorously studied over the past few decades. Empirical evidence indicates that a high rate of voluntary turnover is costly for organizations because it negatively affects organizational effectiveness and success [5]. Losing good employees can negatively affect an organization's competitive advantage; lowering the morale of other staff [6], as well as reducing productivity and work quality [7]. Despite these unfavourable consequences, the voluntary turnover rate across the globe remains relatively high. Previous research suggests that high work engagement leads to lower voluntary turnover. Highly engaged employees exhibit higher quality behaviours and performance. The evidence suggests that having engaged employees results in greater profitability, shareholder returns, productivity and customer satisfaction. Employees are an
AbstractThis study aims at identifying the factors which influence the turnover phenomenon of the Employees of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education in the Gaza Strip. The Ministry of Education in Gaza suffers from the employee turnover p...