He is currently the director of a Research and Study Group on Contemporary Asia (GERAC) at Laval University. He is also co-managing editor of Transnational Corporations Review.
IVIn Chapter 8, Andi Mursidi presents a model of the internal quality assurance system in universities using a knowledge management approach.Finally, in Chapter 9, Elahe Hosseini, Mehdi Tajpour, and Muhammad Mohiuddin explore the role of knowledge employees in digital startups and how top management can ensure an organizational ecosystem where these employees can flourish and contribute to the competitive advantage of firms. They advocate that both conducive organizational culture and infrastructure of the organization are needed to fully explore and exploit knowledge employees' expertise and experience for organizational advantages.The book presents nine interesting topics with in-depth analysis. We believe readers will find it useful for developing their understanding of knowledge management processes for organizational development.