In accordance with the global trend, in The Netherlands approximately 45% of the population is overweight. Existing studies show that patient self-management can reduce these figures, but medical non-adherence is a persistent problem. eHealth can potentially increase adherence to self-management. Consequently, we designed a persuasive computer assistant and evaluated its influence on self-management, i.e., the use of an online lifestyle diary called The assistant is represented by an animated iCat, which shows different facial expressions and provides cooperative feedback following principles from the motivational interviewing method. We conducted a randomized controlled trial with 118 overweight people over a period of four weeks and studied the difference between diary use with and without computer assistant feedback. Results show that the computer assistant contributed to filling in the diary more frequently, reduced the decline in motivation to perform self-management, lowered the (reported) BMI, and improved the ease of use. Furthermore, diary use increased knowledge of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Finally, personal characteristics, i.e., locus of control, vocabulary, computer experience, age, gender, education level and initial BMI, explained the variance in the diary use and its outcome. Of the 118 participants 35 filled in the closing survey, covering motivation, BMI, lifestyle knowledge and ease of use, which implies that the findings based on these results are mainly representative for motivated participants. In general, this study shows that the Dieetinzicht eHealth service, including a personal computer assistant, is likely to support motivated overweight people and lifestyle related diseases to get a better insight in and adhere to their self-management. : O.A.BlansonHenkemans@TUDelft.n. 0928-7329/09/$17.00 2009 -IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved 254
O.A. Blanson Henkemans et al. / Online lifestyle diary with assistant for self-managementhealth care system towards a more independent, self-determining position wherein the emphasis lies on self-management.Self-management consists of activities undertaken by individuals, families, and communities with the intention of preventing disease, limiting illness, and restoring health [27]. It aims at educating and increasing the patient's intrinsic motivation, which in turn can lead to stimulation of medical adherence [31]. Examples of self-management activities are maintaining a healthy diet [17,25] and performing physical activities [10,23]. Strikingly, although people are well informed of the impact of being overweight on their life and from the benefit of self-management, treatment non-adherence is a persistent problem [15,20]. eHealth can potentially stimulate adherence to self-management [1,26,34,42]. Remote care for people at home through Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has multiple benefits, such as lowering costs [18], aging in place [36], motivating the patient [19] developing health literacy [28,33],...