“…Transva¬ ginal technology enables verification of a normal, intrauterine pregnancy at 32 menstrual days with visualization < A i gestational sac and of a yolk sac with i the gestational sac at 36 to 40 days; 11 ; improves certain diagnoses of an intra¬ uterine gestation by approximately 1 week over transabdominal tech niques.75 Definitive trans vaginal sono¬ graphic criteria for normal intrauterine pregnancies are now being established for various stages of gestation; this will further enhance our ability to diagnose such complications as intrauterine em¬ bryonic death and incomplete and com¬ plete first-trimester abortion. 76"78 Transvaginal sonography has two significant advantages over transabdo-minai studies in the early diagnosis of extrauterine pregnancies.76,78"82 First, transvaginal sonography is more reli¬ able in excluding the presence of an ear¬ ly intrauterine gestation.…”