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PREFACEOn 16 and 17 June 2005, the ECB has hosted a Conference on "What Effects is EMU Having on the Euro Area and its Member Countries?" One and a half decade after the start of the European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) and more than six years after the launch of the euro, the aim of the conference was to assess what can be learned about the impact of economic and monetary integration and how it has benefited the euro area and its member countries.The conference brought together academics, central bankers and policy makers to discuss the existing empirical evidence on changes brought about, either directly or indirectly, by EMU and, in particular, the introduction of the euro in five main areas: Area 1. Trade integration; Area 2. Structural reforms in product and labour markets; Area 3. Financial integration; Area 4. Business cycles synchronisation and economic specialisation; and Area 5. Inflation persistence and inflation differentials.Lead presenters for each of the aforementioned areas had been asked to put together -and interpret -all the available information, flag any open questions, and also discuss the implications in their respective field of expertise. With the benefit of hindsight, lead presenters and discussants have also addressed some initial presumptions with the evidence that has accumulated thus far.In order to exchange information and ideas on the above effects, and increase mutual awareness of ongoing work in the diverse areas, we deemed it useful to issue the five leading presentations, together with the accompanying discussions, in the ECB Working Paper Series.
C O N T E N T S Abstract 4Non-technical summary 5