UAV Ad hoc NETworks (UAANET) are a new form of ad hoc networks in which nodes are Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Ground Control Station (GCS). Although this field generated a certain interest in the scientific community, it has only received a modest contribution. Compared to Mobile Ad hoc NETworks (MANET), this new network paradigm has some unique features and brings specific challenges such as node mobility degree, network connectivity patterns, delay-sensitive applications and network security. Indeed, some UAV communication architectures have been proposed, but none of them has been designed with security in mind. This lack of scientific investigation can make the certification of UAANETs difficult to obtain. In this paper, we present our vision of such a challenge and the research that we are conducting to reach this objective. The aim is to propose an original secure routing protocol for UAVs using a MDD (Model Driven Development) approach which will ease the certification of final UAV products. The first preliminary results concerning our secure-routing protocol design will be presented. This paper describes our ongoing research which will provide secure communications for UAV ad hoc networks at the end of the SUANET (Secure Uav Ad-hoc NETwork) project. Index Terms-UAV Ad hoc NETwork (UAANET), Security Architecture, Model Driven Development, Routing Protocol. 1 UAVs used in UAANETs are deployed in untrustworthy environments in which external attacks can occur due to the absence of fixed infrastructure 2 DGAC: Direction Générale de l Aviation Civile which is equivalent to FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) but at a French scale.