Emulation evolves into a mature digital preservation strategy, providing authentic functional access to a wide range of digital objects, using their original creation environments. In contrast to format migration strategies a functional, emulation-based approach requires a number of additional components, i.e. the full softwarestack required to render a digital object but also its configuration. The goal of the bwFLA project is the implementation and development of a distributed framework for emulation-based services and technologies to address Baden-Württemberg state and higher education institutes' libraries' and archives' new challenges in digital long-term preservation.The Baden-Württemberg Functional Long-Term Archiving and Access (bwFLA) 1 is a two-year state sponsored project transporting the results of past and ongoing digital preservation research into practitioners communities. Primarily, bwFLA creates tools and workflows to ensure long-term access to digital cultural and scientific assets held by the state's university libraries and archives. The project consortium brings together partners across the state, involving people from university libraries computing centers, libraries and archives, providing a broad range of background and insights into the digital preservation landscape.The project builds on existing digital preservation knowledge by integrating and extending established preservation frameworks. It will define and provide a practical implementation of archival workflows to re-enact digital objects in their original environment (e.g. creation application) where suitable migration strategies are unavailable, for instance, interactive objects, software, scientific toolchains and databases, but also digital art.