PostprintThis is the accepted version of a paper published in Methods in Molecular Biology. This paper has been peer-reviewed but does not include the final publisher proof-corrections or journal pagination.Citation for the original published paper (version of record):Oliw, E., Wennman, A. (2015) Chiral phase-HPLC separation of hydroperoxyoctadecenoic acids and their biosynthesis by fatty acid dioxygenases.. A stationary phase, Reprosil Chiral NR, was found to resolve these hydroperoxy fatty acids with 1-hydroperoxy-2-propene and with 3-hydroperoxy-1-propene elements so that the S hydroperoxy fatty acids consistently eluted before the R stereoisomers. The chiral selector has not been disclosed, but it is described as an aromatic chiral phase with π-donor and π-acceptor groups of Pirkle type. The MS 3 spectra of the hydroperoxides showed characteristic fragments, which were influenced by the distance between the hydroperoxy and the carboxyl groups and the relative position of the double bond.
Methods in Molecular BiologyOctadecenoic fatty acids can be oxidized by fungal and bacterial dioxygenases to hydroperoxides with cis or trans double bond configuration. Steric analysis of the hydroperoxy metabolites can be performed by this method, and it can also be used for preparative purposes.