Despite the well-established methods for stereochemical assignments and synthesis of 1,3-diols, the corresponding 1,5-diols and -polyols present specific challenges which remain unsolved. This article highlights some new strategies and methodologies specifically designed for the 1,5-diol motif. Fig. 1 Representative 1,5-diol structures.the generation of each stereocenter. Syntheses according to this strategy would confront challenging configurational assignments.In view of these concerns, new strategies and methods have begun to emerge in order to specifically address the 1,5-polyol problems, both in structural analysis and synthesis. The goal of this brief review is to highlight selected developments at the forefront of this new area.
SELECTED NATURAL PRODUCTS WITH 1,5-POLYOL MOTIFSNatural products incorporating 1,5-diol and 1,5-polyol motifs exhibit a wide range of interesting structures and diverse biological activities. Tetrafibricin (1, Fig. 2), a fibrinogen receptor antagonist, was iso-G. K. FRIESTAD AND G. SREENILAYAM