The enantioselective cobalt(III)-catalyzed C À H alkylation was achieved through the design of an ovel chiral acid. The cobalt(III)-catalyzed enantioselective CÀHa ctivation was characterized by high position-, regio-and enantiocontrol under exceedingly mild reaction conditions.T hereby, the robust cooperative cobalt(III) catalysis proved tolerant of valuable electrophilic functional groups,i ncluding hydroxyl, bromo,a nd iodo substituents.M echanistic studies revealed ac onsiderable additive effect on kinetics and on an egative non-linear-effect.The activation of otherwise inert C À Hbonds has emerged as at ransformative tool in molecular sciences, [1] with notable applications to material sciences [2] and pharmaceutical industries. [3] While major progress was predominantly realized with precious transition metals,r ecent focus has shifted to less expensive,e arth abundant 3d metals. [4] In this context, highvalent pentamethylcyclopentadienyl cobalt(III) complexes [5] were identified as particularly powerful C À Ha ctivation catalysts. [6][7][8][9][10] Thef ull control of selectivity is paramount to achieving synthetically meaningful CÀHf unctionalization. [11] However,inthe scenario of enantioselective CÀHactivation, progress was thus far primarily limited to noble 4d and 5d transition metals,s uch as palladium, [12] rhodium, [13] and iridium. [14] In sharp contrast, enantioselective C À Ht ransformations by late 3d transition metals have largely been accomplished with superstoichiometric amounts of reactive Grignard reagents, [15,16] which leads to undesired byproducts, and, more importantly,l imits considerably the robustness in terms of functional group tolerance.B ased on our recent mechanistic findings on base-assisted internal electrophilic substitution (BIES)-C À Hm etalations, [17] we became intrigued to the development of unprecedented enantioselective cobalt(III)-catalyzed CÀHa ctivation, on which we wish to report herein ( Figure 1). Salient features of our findings include (a) first asymmetric Cp*Co III -catalyzed C À H activation, (b) robust functional group tolerance,(c) detailed mechanistic insights into cooperative catalysis by experiment and computation and (d) the de-novo design of ah ighly selective chiral carboxylic acid scaffold.We initiated our studies by probing various Brønsted acids for the envisioned asymmetric C À Ha lkylation of indole 1a (Table 1, and Table S-1 in the Supporting Information). [18] Thus,N -protected amino acids L1-L4 (entries 3-6) provided the product 3aa with only poor levels of enantiocontrol. Decreasing the L2 loading led to al ower efficacya nd only as light improvement of the enantioselectivity (entry 7). Interestingly,t he well-established BINOL-based Brønsted acids L5-L7 failed entirely in the enantioselective C À H alkylations (entry 8), reflecting the challenging nature of the asymmetric cobalt catalysis.Gratefully, [19] the newly designed C 2 -symmetric carboxylic acid L8 delivered the desired product 3aa with an enantiomeric ratio of 93:7, [20] albeit w...