of alkenes has emerged as an efficient
synthetic strategy for preparing substituted molecules by coupling
readily available alkenes with electrophiles and/or nucleophiles.
Nickel complexes serve as effective catalysts owing to their tendency
to undergo facile oxidative addition and slow β-hydride elimination,
and their capability to access both two-electron and radical pathways.
Two-component alkene functionalization reactions have achieved high
chemo-, regio-, and stereoselectivities by tethering one of the coupling
partners to the alkene substrate. Three-component reactions, however,
often incorporate directing groups to control the selectivity. Only
a few examples of directing-group-free difunctionalizations of unactivated
alkenes have been reported. Therefore, great opportunities exist for
the development of three-component difunctionalization reactions with
broad substrate scopes and tunable chemo-, regio-, and stereoselectivities.