“…[12] However,i na ny reported case,the enantiodetermining step proceeds after the C sp 2 ÀHactivation step,consisting of selective additions across p-unsaturation, [12c-f,i-q] insertions of diazo esters, [12g] or the generation of axial chirality by locking the conformation [12h, r] (Scheme 1). To the best of our knowledge,i nc ontrast to asymmetric CÀHf unctionalizations catalyzed by Pd II , [8h, 13] Pd 0 , [8e-g, 14] or Ir I , [15] no example in which the CÀHa ctivation step is enantiodetermining has been reported for Rh III catalysis.Ifthe two difficulties of this step-enantioselection and reversibility-could be addressed, such sequence would offer great advantages.The intermediate would allow product diversification using different downstream trapping agents. Ideally,t he selectivity would be independent of the used trapping agent, enabling access to abroad variety of attractive products.…”